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Weight loss is simple.

When spending exceeds income, savings reduce. When we consistently eat fewer calories of energy than we spend, fat tissues reduce. As long as this simple condition holds, we lose weight. It's as optional as falling back to earth after jumping. There are some nuances to this simple dictum, but that is for later. Take heart in the simplicity. Weight loss does not merit the attention it gets.

Someone once claimed that 'Nothing tastes better than skinny.' What they meant to say was that there is no sweetness greater than living life discerningly, judiciously, and wisely.

Animals feed, but rational animals eat their way to a goal. Thought enriches instinct, impulse, and activity into means of achieving a good life. The goal is not to annihilate our desires for pleasurable food but to acknowledge them, guide them, and carry them to their end.

Desires are not aimless. They tend towards an end. And those ends themself tend toward an end and so on. Eventually, all little desires join with each other and run towards the ultimate pleasure: living well. All desires for smaller pleasures lead us to this greater one if we follow them. We want to eat well because we want to be well.

Flow chart

The task of eating well is common to everyone, but the actual work is unsubstituably yours.

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